Author Archive:

January 16

Getting shit done!

Calendars are mailed out. Scene 32 of Demon Arms is finished and I’m drafting 33, which is where you actually get to see what the hell shifters do for exercise and it involves treacherous jumps and potential falls. <3 And expect to see a layout change where I start moving the stories into an 'Event' format to match how I've set up the WIP progress charts. I think it's a great organizational set up that's going to help me by being less complicated, and with links within the page, it will still be easy to find the latest scene updates. Hope you babes are having a great week. ^.^


January 16


Finally shipping out the Demon Bonded calendars today! Ugh, had so many weird things happen mid production, one of them being the print shops printer broke for a day, they thought it was done once it was fixed, but they had magenta ink all over the calendars. @_@ What a mess. But it’s all fixed, the calendars look gorgeous, and they should be arriving soon. So sorry for the wait, babes.

I feel like the weekend steals my writing flow away. Mondays are even worse because I’m back to my preferred isolation but the day is spent cleaning up the mess of the weekend. It’s this lie of getting my life back only to realize it won’t happen for another day.

Oh, and if you missed it, you can find the 2019 Demon Bonded Calendar here.


Ashes Comment Area

A little place to share your comments and questions on the fanfic, Ashes. Liked it, hated it, interested in seeing a sequel or something similar? Let me know below. I love the feedback.


January 14


I may be poking at the new subscription site through the week to see how to transfer stuff. No promises. This shit is like a pebble in my shoe. Once my mind is on it, it’s frustrating to not finish things up and just complete it. I’ll probably be fiddling with it late at night when I’m too tired to actually write…

Obsessive as fuck? Who, me? Nah. 😛

I feel good, peeps. I feel like this health thing is going to last, and I finally have a future laid out before me. And maybe that’s idealistic as fuck given my track record, but I don’t care. Gonna get shit done.