?Please Stay Safe
Hey babes,
Guys, I totally missed the fact that ICE raids were happening this weekend when I sent out the Newsletter talking about covers and visual novels and damn…
I’m so sorry. I’m living in my own little world of illness and creativity, and I’m really fucking privileged to not have to personally worry about this. The news is so full of misery that I can only tune in so much. To all the people with family, friends, loved ones and acquaintances facing this hate based ethnic cleansing currently tearing through the US pulling families and communities apart, my heart goes out to you. Please stay safe, and stay strong.
You are worthy, just like we all are, and I’m so sorry that you have to live in fear based on something as wholly insignificant as the place of your birth. Humans keep making these inane, insane rules and then point to them like they’re supposed to mean a fucking thing. No wall or border or culture or language or accumulation of wealth can separate the fact that we’re all human, all deserving, all equal of being treated with respect and dignity. I hate that it’s the worst of us running the show, while the best of us are just wondering how to fucking cope with it all.
Remember, don’t open the door. “An ICE deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. If that is the only document ICE brings to a home raid, ICE does not have a legal right to enter a home.”
Stay safe. You’re loved even if these bigoted fucks make you feel anything but.
Thank you so much for saying what most of us are feeling! It brought me to tears. I am disabled or I would be out there protesting. My protest is through letters. My congressmen hate me. I write them frequently! I am in a very red state, Missouri, and I feel like a lone blue dot in a sea of red. Thanks again and I hope Pelosi finally gets it that tRump has to go and impeach the orange buffoon!
I’m so glad you’re not defeated and you’re not silenced, Montzalee. This has been such a hard, demoralizing fight. It’s hard to be a part of this country when this is happening. I feel like what the US is has been completely sullied by the hate and bigotry that Trump and his followers spread. And worse is the apathy. It is so hard to keep FEELING when every blow is another human atrocity, but if we stop feeling, it’s just going to get worse.
I hope you’re practicing self care in all this. It can be overwhelming; I think we all need a support group on how to handle this insanity.
As for Pelosi, really, don’t get me started. I think she’s seeing this as a way to grab power (as horrible as it is to say,) and that as long as Trump is causing us all harm, she can play the role of fighting back without actually doing anything. I’m tired of the bullshit ‘plans’ or ‘winning strategy’ when human lives are at risk. When she doesn’t take a stand and draw a moral line in the sand, those who are on the fence assume Trump hasn’t actually crossed that line and democracy and our laws and norms crumble more and more. She claims it’s strategy to not upset his base, but I think it’s been the worst move possible to do. There are plenty of Trump supporters who are still supporters of this country, and by not calling him out on his crimes, they don’t hear that he’s committed crimes, they only hear his narrative.
But that’s my frustration. It’s all frustrating. I feel sick to my stomach knowing the people living in this country who are afraid of ICE busting into their homes and destroying their lives. No one should have to live in fear over something so fucking trivial as where they were born. Why can’t humanity evolve already?